CareXera Fingerprint Profiling | Certified Consultant Training – Level 2


2-day training to become certified as CareXera’s Fingerprint Profiling Consultant. Tailored for those who have mastered the basics and are ready to delve deeper, this advanced training equips participants with the knowledge and skills to analyze complex fingerprint patterns, interpret detailed profiling reports, and provide insightful consultations. 



– Deepen your understanding of the intricate relationship between fingerprint profilings, brain structures, and cognitive functions.

– Learn to identify and interpret various learning styles, personal quotients, and components of Multiple Intelligence through fingerprint analysis.

– Achieve proficiency in generating and analyzing comprehensive profiling reports to provide personalized advice and strategies to clients.



– Attain the prestigious Carexera Certified Consultant status upon successful completion.

– Eligibility to renew certification for FREE, contingent upon active practice.

– Opportunities to become a recognized CFP Trainer within your organization or the broader community.

– Exclusive access to Carexera’s Advanced Professional Support and networking opportunities with leading professionals in the field.



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